Webcrims family court

The day that thick envelope arrived in the mail, my stomach churned. A knot formed in my throat as I recognized the return address: New York State Family Court. My hands trembled as I opened it, the legal jargon swimming before my eyes. Divorce. Custody. Visitation. Terms I’d hoped never to encounter in this context. I felt a wave of dread wash over me. How would I navigate this complex, unfamiliar system? Where could I turn for help?

If this feeling resonates with you, know that you’re not alone. Thousands of New Yorkers grapple with similar emotions and challenges every year. But there’s a lifeline you might not know about: Web Family.

WebFamily is the New York State Unified Court System’s official online portal for family court matters which is the part of ecourts. It’s designed to make the process more accessible, transparent, and less daunting. Whether you’re a parent facing separation, an individual seeking child support, or simply someone looking for information about family court procedures, Web Family can be an invaluable resource.

Note: Webcrims Family court is also called Webfamily system. So I have used same words many time in the article

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about Web FamilyNy. We’ll explain what it is, walk you through how to use it step by step, and highlight the many ways it can empower you during a difficult time.

Webcrims family Court Cases

NYC Web Family is an online resource designed to provide the public with convenient access to case information for New York State Family Courts and Integrated Domestic Violence (IDV) Courts. This system offers several search options to help you find the information you need:

File/Docket Searches

  • You can search for specific cases by entering either the File Number or the Case Docket Number.
  • This is the most direct way to access information about a particular case’s status, upcoming events, and associated documents.

How to Search About File/Docket

  • Access Web Family: Go to the official New York State Unified Court System website and locate the Web Family portal.
  • Choose File/Docket Search: On the Web Family homepage or main menu, look for the option to conduct a File/Docket Search. It’s usually clearly labeled.
  • Enter the Number:
  • File Number: This is a unique identifier assigned to each case by the court system. It typically consists of a combination of letters and numbers. If you know the file number, enter it into the designated field.
  • Case Docket Number: This is another identifier used by the court. If you don’t have the file number, you can use the case docket number instead.
  • Initiate the Search: Click the “Search” button or similar option to start the search process.
  • Review Results: WebFamily will display the results matching your search criteria. You should see the case details, including:

Data You will get

  • Case name
  • Case type
  • Parties involved
  • Upcoming court dates
  • Case status

Attorney/Firm Searches

  • If you know the name of the attorney or firm involved in a case, you can use this search function to find relevant cases.
  • This is helpful if you are trying to track a specific attorney’s caseload or identify cases involving a particular firm.


Access Web Family: Go to the official New York State Unified Court System website and locate the portal.

Choose Attorney/Firm Search: On the Web Family homepage or main menu, look for the option to conduct an Attorney/Firm Search.

Enter the Name:

  • Attorney Name: If you know the name of the attorney representing a party in a case, enter their full name (first and last) into the designated field.
  • Firm Name: If you know the name of the law firm involved in a case, enter the full firm name into the appropriate field.

Initiate the Search: Click the “Search” button or similar option to begin the search.

Review Results: Web Family will display the results matching your search criteria. You should see a list of cases associated with the attorney or firm you entered. You can then click on each case to view more details, such as:

  • Case name
  • Case type
  • Parties involved
  • Upcoming court dates
  • Case status


  • Web Family allows you to generate court calendars based on various criteria:
    • County: Select the county where the court is located.
    • Court Location: Choose a specific court within the county.
    • Date: Specify the date for which you want to see the calendar.
    • Judge/Part: If you know the judge or part assigned to a case, you can filter the calendar accordingly.

Access Web Family: Go to the official New York State Unified Court System website and navigate to the portal.

Choose Calendar Search: Look for the option to generate or view court calendars. It’s usually clearly labeled on the main menu or homepage.

Select Search Criteria: You’ll be presented with options to filter the calendar by the following:

  • County: Choose the county where the court is located. WebFamily will likely have a dropdown menu listing all the counties in New York State.
  • Court Location: Once you select a county, you’ll typically see a list of available court locations within that county. Choose the specific court you want to view the calendar for.
  • Date: Specify the date for which you want to see the court calendar. You’ll usually have a calendar interface to choose from.
  • Judge/Part: If you know the judge or specific part (courtroom) where a case is being heard, you can use this filter to narrow down the results.

Generate Calendar: Click the “Search” or “Generate Calendar” button to view the calendar based on your selected criteria.

Review Calendar: WebFamily will display the court calendar for the specified date and location. You’ll see:

  • Scheduled cases
  • Case types
  • Times for each case
  • Judge or part assignments

What is Webcrims family court?

Web Family is the New York State Unified Court System’s official online platform designed specifically for family court matters. It serves as a centralized hub where individuals, attorneys, and other stakeholders can access a wide range of information and services related to their family court cases.

Core Functions:

Web Family empowers users to:

  • Find Case Information: Easily look up the status of a case, including upcoming court dates, decisions, and any filed documents.
  • eFile Documents: Electronically submit court documents, eliminating the need to visit the courthouse in person for many filings.
  • Access Court Forms: Download and complete necessary forms for various family court proceedings, such as divorce, custody, or child support petitions.
  • Locate Court Resources: Find contact information for specific family courts, locate legal aid services, and access self-help resources to better understand the family court process.
  • Manage Cases: (For attorneys) Manage multiple cases, track deadlines, and communicate with clients through a secure portal.
  • Make Payments: (In some counties) Pay court fees or fines online.

Essentially, WebFamily acts as a virtual courthouse, streamlining many aspects of the family court process and making it more convenient for those involved. It is important to note that while Web Family provides valuable resources, it is not a substitute for legal advice. It is always recommended to consult with an attorney for personalized guidance on your specific situation.

Who Can Benefit from family court?

Web Family serves a wide range of individuals and professionals involved in family court matters across New York State. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to anyone seeking information or assistance with family court issues.

Target Audience:

  • Parents Going Through Divorce or Separation: Web Family can help parents track the progress of their divorce or separation cases, access important documents, and stay informed about court dates.
  • Individuals Involved in Custody Disputes: Parents seeking custody or visitation rights can use Web Family to file necessary petitions, understand the legal process, and stay updated on their case status.
  • People Seeking Child Support: Web Family provides resources and guidance for individuals seeking to establish or modify child support orders.
  • Attorneys: Family law attorneys can utilize WebFamily to efficiently manage their clients’ cases, file documents electronically, and communicate with the court.
  • Other Stakeholders: Other individuals involved in family court matters, such as grandparents seeking visitation rights or guardians ad litem appointed by the court, can also benefit from the resources available on Web Family.

Specific Use Cases:

  • A Parent Trying to Understand the Status of Their Custody Case: A parent worried about the progress of their custody case can log into Web Family to view the latest updates, including court orders, filings, and scheduled hearings.
  • Someone Needing to File a Petition for Child Support: A parent seeking child support can access the necessary forms through Web Family, complete them online, and submit them electronically, saving time and effort.
  • An Attorney Looking Up a Client’s Court Date: An attorney can quickly and easily check a client’s upcoming court date on Web Family, ensuring they are well-prepared for the hearing.

In essence, Web Family democratizes the family court process by providing a central, easy-to-use platform where anyone can access vital information and services related to their case.

Navigating the Court System

It is an online platform designed to simplify and streamline access to family court information and processes. While it offers numerous benefits, it’s important to understand its limitations as well.

Benefits of Using the Family Court System

  • Convenience: It provides round-the-clock access to case information, eliminating the need to visit the courthouse during specific hours. This accessibility allows you to stay informed about your case whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you.
  • Efficiency: The electronic filing process significantly reduces the time and effort involved in submitting court documents. This streamlined system minimizes delays and ensures a more efficient handling of your case.
  • Transparency: With this court system, you can easily track the progress of your case online. This transparency keeps you informed about upcoming hearings, deadlines, and decisions, empowering you to participate actively in the legal process.
  • Cost Savings: By reducing the need for physical trips to the courthouse, Web Family helps you save on transportation, parking, and other related expenses. These savings can be particularly significant for individuals with limited resources.
  • Empowerment: It provides individuals with the tools and information necessary to navigate the court system more confidently. By understanding the process and having access to relevant resources, you can make informed decisions about your case.

Limitations of System

  • Not a Replacement for Legal Counsel: While Web Family offers valuable resources, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not a substitute for the advice of an experienced attorney. Legal issues can be complex, and seeking professional guidance is essential to protect your rights and interests.
  • Technical Issues: Like any online platform, Web Family may occasionally experience technical difficulties, such as website outages or glitches. While these issues are typically resolved promptly, they can cause temporary disruptions to your access to information.
  • Limited Scope: It may not cover all aspects of every court matter. Some situations, such as complex hearings or trials, may still require in-person appearances before a judge. It’s important to consult the court’s rules and procedures to determine whether your case can be fully handled through it.

Important Links


In conclusion, WebFamily serves as a valuable resource, revolutionizing access to the family court system. Its convenience, efficiency, and transparency empower individuals to take a more active role in their cases, ultimately reducing the stress and confusion often associated with legal proceedings.

While WebFamily cannot replace the expertise of a qualified attorney, it serves as an essential tool for anyone navigating the family court system. We encourage you to explore WebFamily and utilize its resources to stay informed and empowered throughout your legal journey.

For additional support, consider seeking guidance from legal aid organizations or family law clinics in your area. These resources can provide valuable assistance and ensure you have the support you need throughout the process.


What is family court?

WebFamily is an online resource provided by the New York State Unified Court System. It allows the public to access basic information about cases in the New York State Family Courts and Integrated Domestic Violence (IDV) Courts.

How do I find a specific case on WebFamily?

You can search for a case using either the File Number or the Case Docket Number. Both options are available under the “File/Docket Search” function.

Can I search for cases by attorney or law firm?

Yes, you can use the “Attorney/Firm Search” function to find cases associated with a specific attorney or law firm.

How do I view a court calendar?

You can generate a court calendar by selecting the county, court location, date, and judge/part. The “Calendars” function will then display the schedule for the specified criteria.

Why can’t I find my case on WebFamily?

A: There are a few reasons why you might not find a case:

  • The case may be closed or finalized. WebFamily only includes cases with upcoming appearances.
  • You may have entered the wrong file or docket number. Double-check for any errors.
  • The case may not be in a New York State Family Court or IDV Court. WebFamily only covers these specific courts.

Can I use WebFamily to get legal advice?

No, WebFamily is not a substitute for legal advice. If you need legal assistance, it is strongly recommended to consult with an attorney.

What if I have trouble using WebFamily?

If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, you can contact the clerk’s office of the relevant court for assistance. They can help you navigate the system and find the information you need.pen_spark